Join our Members-Only Chat
Take full advantage of all the perks of GORBA membership to connect with fellow riders on and off the trail!

DISCORD is the name of our official voice and text chat server – it’s easy to use online or through the free app on your mobile devices.
Here are just a few of the conversations happening on the GORBA Discord server right now:
- trail conditions
- upcoming group rides
- bikes and gear for sale
- trail builds
- gear and tech
- upcoming events
- ad-hoc rides
- real-time voice chat during group rides
It’s easy to join your fellow GORBA members on Discord! Follow these simple steps:
- On your computer or mobile phone, follow the link at the bottom of our newsletters since August 2024.
- Download DISCORD for any device here.
- If you’ve never used Discord before, you need to create a free account. Use your real name to make it easy for us to recognize you!
- Finish signing up by providing a valid email address
- Sign in, read the rules in the Welcome channel and say “hello”!
What happens next?
When you first join the GORBA Discord server you’ll be an un-verified user, which means you’ll only have access to a few public channels. Please be patient – a GORBA Moderator or Board Member needs to verify your GORBA membership status before getting you access to all the members-only conversations.
You can help by making sure your GORBA Discord nickname is the same full name you used when registering for your GORBA membership. This will make it easier for us to verify you and grant you full access.