Trail status

Current trail status

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Trail Status Designations

This is as good as it gets, conditions are good everywhere.
The conditions are different between Guelph Lake and Arkell. Check the individual Intsagram postings for more details.
Watch for slippery rocks and trails.
There are lots of wet and muddy spots, it’s best for everyone that you don’t ride the trails.
Early Spring
Ground is saturated. Don't Ride. Please be patient, we're almost there!
Good Winter
The Winter Loop riding conditions are good!
It’s best you don’t ride – slush freezes over night and then you’re left with frozen ruts.
Slippery but rideable, studs are recommended for best traction.
Conditions are not ideal. Riding is not advised.
Don't Ride
Riding will damage the trails, please stay off.
Click below for recent Trail Conditions

The Cold Air Doesn’t Stop GORBA!

The cold air doesn’t stop GORBA from getting out and enjoying the trails!

Here’s what we’re up to, or want you to know:

🔨 We’ve added reflective stickers to the red trail signs to make them easier to see in low light, and for people with red-green colorblindness.

🥶 GORBA club members are dressing for the elements to get in some frosty laps at the Lake, or elsewhere with the travelling ‘Gorbtrotters’!

🌲 Hazard tree removal by the City of Guelph is taking place between Woodlawn Road East and Victoria Road North starting Thursday January 23rd, 2025. The work will not affect GORBA’s Guelph Lake trails.